
Rachel Joy Scott

Rachel Joy Scott,was a very spacial person , she was 17 yr.when she die. she was murder
at her high school "Columbine High" 6 Year ago, she was shot in kill at the lunch table outside her school,on April-20-1999. 2 young man that go to her school plan to shot and blow-up the school that day, 12 students die that also the 2 young men that planed the shotting that day and Rachel was one, this
shooting will go down in U.S history.Rachel all ways said that she was going to "change the world" she wrote every day till her dead about how she's going to change the world. Her story touch me in so many ways, but the most touching part was before her dead, some weeks before she die a men call her house and said to her father"Hey i know you don't know me but, i have had dreams about your daugther, and in my dream she is crying and every tears that fell from her face, fell and grew into somthing, he went on to say "It made the world grow" so after the convo. he told him to write his name and number. told him to call him later.

and August-20-1999 the day she die in her journey she. wrote exanly what the men on the phone said she was wrote "Tears drop that fell into the grown but it grew into a rose". and that was the last thing she wrote....

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